Call for Sessions

AISES has opened the call for session proposals and encourages a diverse array of session presenters and STEM topics. If you have not yet presented at an AISES conference, we encourage you to submit a session proposal. 

Sessions AISES is Specifically Seeking this Year

While we encourage you to propose any session that fits well within one of our 13 tracks and/or for STEM Activities Day, this year we are also specifically seeking session proposals that address the topics listed under each track. We encourage sessions that are interactive, upbeat, and inspiring. Sessions that draw the largest attendance and best evaluations are those that include activities and audience participation. We encourage panel discussions that offer diverse insight and information. We have also found that attendees like “themed” sessions that drawn on contemporary pop culture (movies, music, etc.) to help contextualize the content.

All sessions must fall into one of the following tracks. During the submission process you will be able to identify the most appropriate target audience for your presentation.

Art, Architecture, and Design

The intersection of art and science is increasingly a focus of conversation and serves to broaden engagement in STEM. For example, a field like architecture aligns with STEM because it encompasses creativity, innovation, physics, engineering, and math. AISES seeks sessions communicating opportunities and research in art, architecture, and design, helping conference attendees to see the relevance of these fields to AISES members as well as innovation and Indigenous voices in these fields.

Biological Sciences

Sessions in this track should fall within the broad scope of biological sciences including, but not limited to, botany, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, and zoology. Presentations could span research, career exploration, and opportunities in the fields of biology. Additionally, AISES welcomes sessions in this track centering Indigenous knowledge both in education and research.

Community Building

Sessions in this track should focus on building community among Indigenous scholars, professionals, and allies in STEM. Topics could include developing student and professional AISES chapters, STEM education outreach, and programs aimed at strengthening Indigenous communities through STEM.

Computer and Information Science Engineering

Sessions in this track should be designed for those who are currently engaged or interested in computer science, including artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics, theory of computing, as well as computer science/tech adjacent fields/careers. Example topics for this track include sharing CS research, exploring the relevance of CS for tribal nations, and education and career opportunities in tech.   


Sessions in this track should explore STEM education for all levels and in all settings. Ideally, sessions should focus on impact and outcomes for Indigenous learners. Topics could include securing teaching positions in Indigenous communities, culturally relevant STEM curriculum and teaching strategies in PK-12 and higher education. Additionally, desired presentations could provide information on 2-year to 4-year transfer programs, higher education retention strategies, and graduate school funding opportunities. In addition, sessions could focus on promoting strategies and building awareness and confidence in preparing for college, exploring careers, and entering the workforce in STEM. Presentations may include resume writing workshops, understanding different STEM education and career pathways, promoting summer bridge programs, and sharing professional development opportunities. 


This track should provide sessions whose topics fall within major branches of engineering like civil, electrical, computer, chemical, mechanical, agricultural, biomedical, aerospace, nuclear, structural, environmental, and industrial. Presentations on engineering research, career exploration, and educational and career opportunities in engineering are all welcome. Beneficial sessions will expand knowledge and understanding of engineering, including the need for engineering professionals in tribal communities.

Environmental Science and Sustainability

Sessions in this track should provide the study of environmental problems and human impacts on the environment through this interdisciplinary academic field that draws on ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics. Sessions in this track could also include a variety of topics related to earth, ocean, and atmosphere systems from the past to the present and into the future. Additionally, sessions can range from research talks to internship opportunities in geoscience fields, as well as sessions exploring careers in the geosciences.

Health & Medical Sciences

Sessions in this track could highlight health and medical science research and educational and career opportunities. Topics could include traditional, Indigenous health practices and knowledge, discussions of best practices that guide and support students to pursue health research and careers, and promote collaborative research with Indigenous communities.

Indigenous Knowledge

Sessions in this track should feature discussions of Indigenous knowledge, ways of being, and values, including Indigenous STEM. Although Indigenous Knowledge sessions could fall under many of the other session tracks, this track aims to specifically highlight and promote Indigenous Knowledge, including sessions on Indigenous research methodologies. Sessions can range from research talks to storytelling, as well as teaching strategies to center Indigenous Knowledge in STEM curricula.

Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Sessions in this track should cover a variety of topics related to mathematics and physical sciences including astronomy, physics, chemistry, and materials science. Additionally, sessions can range from research talks to internship opportunities in the mathematical and physical sciences fields, as well as sessions exploring mathematics education.

Professional & Workforce Development

Sessions in the professional track should be designed to support Indigenous professionals as they advance their career pathways in STEM. Topics could range from professional development, team building, networking, centering Indigenous values in STEM workplaces, and opportunities to mentor and support Indigenous students in STEM.

Social & Behavioral Sciences

Sessions in this track should focus on research and opportunities related to people and society, including human behavior and social organizations and how social, economic, political, cultural, and environmental forces affect the lives of people from birth to old age and how people shape those forces. Presentations could range from highlighting social and behavioral research to how to respectfully engage in social science research with Indigenous communities.

STEM & Business

Sessions in the STEM & business track should be designed to support those interested in starting or furthering their STEM businesses, including skill building sessions on developing a business plan, conducting market research, and understanding the nuance of tribal enterprises. Additionally, topics could explore the importance and impact of entrepreneurship for tribal communities.

STEM Activities Day

AISES is also soliciting proposals for hands-on and engaging activities for Indigenous middle and high school students and educations presented during STEM Activities Day on Wednesday, October 1.

Examples of activities include:

  • Robotics Demonstrations
  • Jeopardy Style Science Bowl
  • Simple Science Experiments
  • Engineering and Design Projects

Required Information for Session Proposals

  • Presenter’s contact information
  • Presenter’s biography (BIO) of 100 words or less; written in 3rd person
  • Session abstract (description) of 150 words or less

Timeline and General Information

  • Open call for session proposals: March 1, 2025
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: May 17, 2025
  • Notification of acceptance begins: June 16, 2025

Presenters are invited to submit multiple proposals. For those that have presented at an AISES conference before, please propose a new session. Preference will be given to new, interactive, engaging, and innovative sessions proposals.

Online Submission Forms

Online submission forms must be completed by May 17, 2025, to be considered for review. Only complete session proposals will be reviewed.

Click Here for Online Submission Form

For More Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please email: