Research Judging

If you are at this page, you are most likely considering serving as a judge, or are a student looking to learn more about how the judging is done at the national conference. AISES is always looking for professional and faculty judges to offer constructive feedback to our middle school, high school and college students sharing their unique research at the annual conference. Contact us at if you or someone you know is interested in serving as a judge for the 2025 AISES National Conference in Minneapolis, MN.

This page offers FAQs for judges and as information for students participating in the research activities for both orals and posters at the conference. Additionally, it will house the judging score sheets to be fully transparent on what to expect in terms of judging and participants in preparing for what will be judged.

Judging Rubric Scoresheet

The judging rubrics, or scoresheets, will be available to judges via Google doc format. Please bring a phone, laptop, iPad, or other device to access it.

The judging orientation will be offered as a virtual session and as an in-person session at the conference this year. Stay tuned for more details.

Thank you for your participation!

Judging FAQs:
Where do I sign-up to be a judge for the poster and oral research presentations?

Thank you for your interest in judging the research presentations! Sign-up here

When does judging take place at the conference?

The Research Day is always on the Friday of conference. Poster presentations run from 9:00am-12:00pm CST and orals run from 9:30am-5:30pm CST.

What type of feedback should I give the students?

We welcome positive, constructive feedback for their personal growth and learning. General encouragement is appropriate for the students’ research presentations. 

How is time monitored during the oral research sessions?

We will have greeters at each session that will seat the judges and keep time for the presenters. 

What training is provided for judges?

It is mandatory for all research judges to attend EITHER the in-person judges’ orientation or the virtual judges’ orientation offered two weeks prior to the conference.

Virtual Judges’ Orientation for Research Presentations
Wednesday, September 17, 3-4pm CST, Zoom webinar info to be shared at a later date.

On-site Judges' Orientation for Research Presentations
Thursday, October 2, 6-7pm CST, Room TBD

Do I need to bring anything to the sessions?

All judges MUST check in at the research registration desk in the hall near the oral presentations to get your link to Google doc score sheets and other instructions. 

If I have to cancel last minute as a judge, who do I reach out to?

E-mail ahead of the conference to let us know. If you have to bow out during the conference, please reach out to an AISES staff member on site. 

How many times do the poster presentations get judged?

Poster judges will look for the indication that a poster has been judged 3 times. 

What times will posters be judged?

As a judge, you will come through sometime between 9:00am-12:00pm CST on Friday, October 3, 2025, to judge posters. Skip any posters where a student is not present.